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Doctor Prescribed Medication for Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia can be treated with medication and psychotherapy.

Medication: Individuals with agoraphobia can benefit from medication to treat the symptoms. There are two types of medication prescribed:

Antidepressants: Some of the antidepressants administrated in patients with agoraphobia include: selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which is the first choice of medication prescribed for agoraphobia patients due to their few side effects, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), or MAO inhibitors (MAOIs). Unfortunately, the desired effects occur only after several weeks of treatment.

Anti-anxiety medication: Benzodiazepine tranquilizers are prescribed because of their immediate effects in reducing the symptoms. Anti-anxiety medication helps in controlling the anxiety and panic attacks. The main disadvantage of benzodiazepines are increased agoraphobia symptoms when the treatment is stopped. Benzadiazepine also reduces the mental sharpness needed if the patient undergoes psychotherapy.

Disclaimer: The article below is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as direct advice, a personal diagnosis, or as an individual treatment plan. Always consult with a mental health professional or medical doctor if you have concerns.

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Do have agoraphobia? Want to get help? Contact Tulsa Therapist Alina Morrow, LPC-S, today to make an appointment and get the help and relief you deserve. You can reach me by texting or calling 918-403-8873 or by Email.

Page Last Updated: July 24, 2022